Corporate Volunteering


Included in the Corporate Volunteering Program of the Alpargatas Institute (AI), there are sports activities aimed at the promotion of welfare and human development. Along this line, the Taekwondo project has already benefited more than 3 thousand students of schools throughout Brazil over its 14 years of existence. Offered in partnership with specialized teachers and members of Alpargatas Volunteer Action Groups (GAVs), the classes help young people to grow and develop in life as a whole.

Of Korean origin, Taekwondo means “the art of using the feet and hands for fighting.” It arrived in Brazil in 1970, more precisely in the city of São Paulo, brought by Master Song Min Cho, who was officially sent by the modality’s International Federation.

Alpargatas believes that sports practices represent resources for improving people’s quality of life. In Santa Rita (PB), for example, the promotion of Taekwondo helps decrease violence in the municipality, a region ranking fourth in violence against young people, according to a study carried out by the federal government. Therefore, since 2003 the AI has been supporting the activity initiated by Master Ronaldo Sousa, and that today benefits 170 students per year.


  • 120 students assisted in 2017;
  • Participation in state, national and international championships, winning 85% of the time (gold, silver and copper medals);
  • Professionals committed to arbitrage training and qualification seminars;
  • More than 3 thousand people benefited over 15 years.

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